
Project Coordinator

University of Kragujevac

The University of Kragujevac, Serbia (Универзитет у Крагујевцу) is a modern education and research center embracing almost all major areas of teaching and research, with a student population of 20,000 and 1,200 academic staff. It was established in May, 1976 and developed based on the concept of dispersed university, comprising 12 faculties and one institute in six towns of the Central Serbia region. However, the University managed to turn this into one of its most distinctive advantages which allows it to use economic and geographical potentials and human resources from the territory which spreads over an area of 5000 square kilometers and has about 2.5 million citizens.
Today, the University of Kragujevac is a partner recognized by international higher education and research institutions, with highest academic standards which provides students, teachers and researchers with the opportunity to acquire general, scientific and artistic knowledge and skills in compliance with the needs of the society and planned regional and national development that through scientific and creative process provides the advancement of society at large.

Project Team - University of Kragujevac, Serbia

Darko Hinić

project coordinator

Dragana Bjekić


Milica Stojković


Ivana Krsmanović


Marjan Milošević


Biljana Đorić


Mirjana Beara


Lena Tica


Milevica Bojović


Katarina Mitrović

Project Partner

The Kazimierz Wielki University

The Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland (Kazimierz Wielki University) was founded in September, 2005 in Bydgoszcz. It is a dynamically developing institution of higher education, the largest in the city and the second largest in the region in terms of the number of professors, number of majors, and the number of students and graduates. Kazimierz Wielki University is one of the youngest wide-profile universities in the country.
The Kazimierz Wielki University has population of around 7000 students. University’s rich variety of educational programmes covers 40 major and about 100 specializations at three levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD studies. The university also provides many postgraduate courses. Over 700 academic staff members share their knowledge, including about 150 professors, with over 60 titular professors.
Kazimierz Wielki University also participates in many international programs and applies for European funds within Framework Programmes. The University’s main objective is to increase its competitiveness on the European market through supporting students and teaching staff mobility, following the guidelines specified in Lisbon and Bologna Strategies.

Project Team - Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland

Aleksandra Błachnio


Kamila Litwic-Kaminska


Izabela Kapsa


Łukasz Brzeziński

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Jakub Kopowski

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Aniela Bekier-Jasińska

Project Partner

The University of Foggia

The University of Foggia, Italy (Universita Degli Studi Di Foggia) was founded in 1991 and was fully recognized in 1999. Since its foundation (by Italian Ministerial Decree), the university has followed – in terms of education and research – a dynamic and innovative development directions.
From its foundation, the university has been focused on local needs, research projects, internationalization, orientation, cultural events and promotion of university events. During years it has expanded and consolidated all the initiatives and activities aimed at improving and qualifying the teaching methodology, research, international relations by participating in a large number of international cooperation projects promoting students’ and teachers’ exchange, services to students, as well as the development of the university buildings (with the adaptation of the existing structures and the acquisition of new ones), the information and library system.
It offers a number of first and second level degrees, master’s degree and PhD courses to approximately 11,000 students.

Project Team - The University of Foggia, Italy

Giovanna Celia


Piergiorgio Guarini


Benedetta Ragni


Francesco Sulla


Maria Gracia Logrieco


Salvatore Iuso

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